
新交互大学英语1(第3版)New Interactive College English 1 (3.0)

  • 课程思政
  • 中华优秀传统文化
  • 党的二十大精神进教材
456 人参与
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开课院校 文华在线教育
建议学习时长 64 课时
学科分类 基础英语
适用专业 全部
  • Unit 2 Nice to Meet You
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 3 Welcome to China
    1. 1. Unit Objective
    2. 2. Watch and Listen
    3. 3. Speaking
    4. 4. Grammar
    5. 5. Vocabulary
    6. 6. Reading
    7. 7. Review Quiz
  • Unit 4 This Place is a Mess
    1. 1. Unit Objective
    2. 2. Watch and Listen
    3. 3. Speaking
    4. 4. Grammar
    5. 5. Vocabulary
    6. 6. Reading
    7. 7. Review Quiz
  • Unit 5 The First Confucius Class
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 6 A Room with a View
    1. 1. Unit Objective
    2. 2. Watch and Listen
    3. 3. Speaking
    4. 4. Grammar
    5. 5. Vocabulary
    6. 6. Reading
    7. 7. Review Quiz
  • Unit 7 The Chinese New Year
    1. 1. Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3. Speaking
    4. 4. Grammar
    5. 5. Vocabulary
    6. 6. Reading
    7. 7. Review Quiz
  • Unit 8 Some Local Food
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 9 At the Gym
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 10 It is Getting Cold
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 11 English Corner
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 12 Homesick
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz
  • Unit 13 A Trip to Suzhou
    1. 1. Unit Objective
    2. 2. Watch and Listen
    3. 3. Speaking
    4. 4. Grammar
    5. 5. Vocabulary
    6. 6. Reading
    7. 7. Review Quiz
  • Unit 14 Celebrations
    1. 1. Unit Objective
    2. 2. Watch and Listen
    3. 3. Speaking
    4. 4. Grammar
    5. 5. Vocabulary
    6. 6. Reading
    7. 7. Review Quiz
  • Unit 15 This is What Friends are for
    1. 1 Unit Objective
    2. 2 Watch and Listen
    3. 3 Speaking
    4. 4 Grammar
    5. 5 Vocabulary
    6. 6 Reading
    7. 7 Review Quiz


提供了教学微课,供学生课前、课后学习或复习,另外还支持云平台的学、练、用、考,使学生以轻松的 方式,有针对性、有重点、有目的地智慧学习,帮助学生学习和掌握“原汁原味”的英语,全面提升学生的英语综合技能。本书为《新交互大学英语》系列教材的第一册,适合大学一年级的新生学习使用。

Unit 1   A new day

Unit 2   Nice to meet you

Unit 3   Welcome to China

Unit 4   This place is a mess

Unit 5   Confucius 101

Unit 6   A room with a view

Unit 7   Chinese New Year

Unit 8   Some local food

Unit 9   At the gym

Unit 10  It is getting warmer

Unit 11  English corner

Unit 12  Homesick

Unit 13  A trip to Suzhou

Unit 14  Celebrations

Unit 15  This is what friends are for




作者: 魏振华


出版社:电子工业出版社; ( 2024年06月01日 )

作者简介: 英语语言文学专业硕士研究生。永城职业学院副教授。长期工作在教学一线,主讲旅游英语、大学英语、酒店英语和幼师英语等,现任永城职业学院英语教研室主任。主持编写十二五国规教材《高职高专英语英语》、十三五国规教材《幼儿园英语口语》、《幼师英语》等教材。主持河南省社科课题《高职英语整体性教学模式改革》、河南省人文社科课堂《综观顺应论论视域下翻译的整体性研究》河南省教学科学规划课题《新时代高职英语课堂教学面临的困境和对策研究》研究,参与研究河南省高师教改重点课题《高职高师教育与基础教育融合研究》等省市数十项课题研究按时结项,发表论文多篇。
教材特色: Unit 1 A new day Unit 2 Nice to meet you Unit 3 Welcome to China Unit 4 This place is a mess Unit 5 The first Confucius class Unit 6 A room with a view Unit 7 Chinese New Year Unit 8 Some local food Unit 9 At the gym Unit 10 It is getting warmer Unit 11 English corner Unit 12 Homesick Unit 13 A trip to Suzhou Unit 14 Celebrations Unit 15 This is what friends are for







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