

36,608 人参与
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开课院校 云南财经大学
建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 基础英语
  • Part 1
  • The MICE Industry
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Planning and Overall Coordination
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Promotion and Communication Materials
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Booth Construction & Dismantling
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Implementing and Managing the Exhibition
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Post-event Follow-up
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Conference Organization
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Conference Service
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Let’s Talk
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Part 2
  • Why Exhibit
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Planning and Budgeting
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Promotion
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Booth Design and Building
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Exhibition logistics
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
    7. Translating Skills Practice
    8. Expand Contact
  • Booth Management
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Skills
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
  • Post-show Follow-up
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Let’s Talk
    5. Expanded Reading
    6. Translating Skills Practice
  • Corporate Meetings and Services
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Warming up
    3. Read and Explore
    4. Practical Writing
    5. Let’s Talk
    6. Expanded Reading
    7. Translating Skills Practice

1. 选材新 本书的所有材料均选自近年的国际权威会展机构及专业协会的最新资料,具有时代的气息,既有知识性,又强调现代感,以拓宽学生视野,使学习者可以获取新的信息,受到启示;

2. 针对性:与其他会展英语教材的编写不一样的是,本书遵循中国学生的学习特点,突出词汇的编写,将词汇放到阅读的前面,加强专业词汇的学习和记忆;

3. 实用性:本书内容覆盖面并保证习惯用法等方面的多样性;强调会展英语的专业知识和专业英语词汇的学习。学生通过本册书的学习, 能够轻松的掌握一个会展专业人士应该具备的基本英语知识

4. 系统性:本书按照会展业的实际工作流程来布局各单元的学习内容,反映整个会展业的基本内容,通过本册书的学习,学生能够轻松掌握会展业的整个工作流程,对每个环节有清晰的认识。

5. 专业性:本书以培养学生交际能力为重点,融技能训练、口语表达能力与语言和文化知识的传授为一体,以突出学生会展能力的提升。

6. 可操作性:本书考虑到实际的教学操作的可行性,选材短小精悍,问题和练习简练实用,并配有老师和学生开展分析和讨论的参考答案,因此可操作性强。






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