
Communication Works

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建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 学术英语
适用专业 所有专业
  • Chapter 2 Communicating in a Multicultural Society and World
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Culture’s Many Faces
    4. Melting pot
    5. Culture and Communication
    6. Cultures within Cultures
    7. Dimensions of Culture in Action
    8. Technology and Community
    9. Communication Skills
    10. Summary
  • Chapter 3 The “I” Behind the Eye: Perception and the Self 
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. What Is Perception?
    4. Perceiving the Self: Who Are You?
    5. Developing Self-awareness
    6. Barriers to Perceiving Yourself and Others
    7. Gender, Self-concept, and Perception
    8. Culture, Self-concept, and Perception
    9. Self-concept, Perception, and Media and Technology
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 4 Language and Meaning: Helping Minds Meet
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Language: Words, Things, and Thoughts
    4. The Communication of Meaning
    5. Problems with Meaning: Patterns of Miscommunication
    6. Culture and Language
    7. Gender and Language
    8. Language and Power
    9. Profanity and Obscenity: Incivility and the Coarsening of Language
    10. Technology and Language Use
    11. Communication Skills
    12. Summary
  • Chapter 5 Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks 
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Communicating Without Words
    4. Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication: Cues and Contexts
    5. Functions of Nonverbal Communication
    6. Types of Nonverbal Messages
    7. Truth, Deception, and Nonverbal Communication
    8. Gender and Nonverbal Behavior: Masculine and Feminine Styles
    9. Culture and Nonverbal Behavior
    10. Technology and Nonverbal Communication
    11. Communication Skills
    12. Summary
  • Chapter 6 Listening, Feedback, and Critical Thinking
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Listening and Communication
    4. Types of Listening
    5. The Stages of Listening: More Than Meets the Ear
    6. The Role of Critical Thinking: Assessing the Credibility of What You Listen To
    7. Gender and Listening Style
    8. Influence of Culture on Listening
    9. Influence of Media and Technology on Listening and Thinking
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 7 Understanding Relationships
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. The Role of Relationships
    4. Relationships Differ in Breadth and Depth
    5. Development and Analysis of Relationships
    6. Lying, Trust, and Relationships
    7. Laughter as an Interpersonal Tool
    8. Gender, Culture, and Relationships
    9. Technology and Our Relationships
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 8 Person-to-Person: Relationships in Context
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Role Attraction
    4. Relationship Uncertainty
    5. Types of Relationships
    6. Emotions in Action
    7. Are Feelings Shared?
    8. Handling Relational Conflict
    9. Technology, Relationships, and the Communication of Emotion
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 9 Groups and Teams: Strategies for Decision Making and Problem Solving 
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Groups, Teams, and You
    4. Characteristics and Components of Groups
    5. Using Groups to Make Decisions and Solve Problems
    6. The Roles Group Members Play
    7. Group Member Relationships and Interaction
    8. Decision Making in Groups: Reaching Goals
    9. Gender, Culture, Technology, and Group Interaction
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 10 Leading Others and Resolving Conflict
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Leadership
    4. Leadership Styles
    5. Theories of Leadership
    6. Conflict Management
    7. Goals and Styles: A Conflict Grid
    8. Avoid Groupthink: A Deterrent to Making Good Decisions
    9. Leading Groups and Handling Conflict in Cyberspace
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 11 The Speaker and the Audience: The Occasion and the Subject
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Public Speaking Defined
    4. Understanding Your Fears
    5. Coping with Your Fears
    6. Approaching Speech Making Systematically
    7. Analyze Yourself
    8. Analyze Your Audience
    9. Consider the Occasion
    10. Select Your Subject Area
    11. Narrow the Topic and Clarify Your Purpose
    12. Communication Skills
    13. Summary
  • Chapter 12 Researching, Supporting, and Outlining Your Speech
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Research Your Topic
    4. Define and conduct primary research
    5. Select support
    6. Outline Your Speech
    7. Summarize the organizational formats
    8. Nontraditional formats
    9. Beginnings and Endings
    10. Communication Skills
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 13 Preparing Presentation Aids and Delivering Your Speech
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Select Presentiation Aids
    4. Preparing speak
    5. Rehearsing
    6. Giving the speech
    7. After the speech
    8. Communication Skills
    9. Summary
  • Chapter 14 Informative Speaking
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Speaking Informatively
    4. Types of Informative Presentations
    5. Review, Reflect, & Apply
    6. Effective Informative Speeches: Increasing Your Listeners’ Interest and Comprehension
    7. Review, Reflect, & Apply
    8. Sample Informative Speech Outline
    9. Sample Speaker’s Notes
    10. Review, Reflect, & Apply
    11. Summary
  • Chapter 15 Persuasive Speaking 
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Lead in
    3. Speaking Persuasively
    4. Review, Reflect & Apply
    5. Purposes of Persuasion: Thought and Action
    6. Types of Persuasive Speeches
    7. Review, Reflect & Apply
    8. Persuading Responsibly
    9. Persuading Strategically and Credibly
    10. Guidelines for Persuading Effectively
    11. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence: A Framework for Persuasive Speaking
    12. Delivering a Persuasive Speech
    13. Communication Skills
    14. Summary

Communication Works这一课程向学习者介绍如何有效地进行人际沟通、团队交流以及公众演讲等相关技巧。课程通过场景的设置,以道德、文化以及科技领域的相关问题为导向,引导学生有效地思考与交流。


Communication Works


Communication Works


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