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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 特殊用途英语
适用专业 商务英语专业,英语专业(商务方向),大学商务英语模块,经管类专业英语
  • Entry Test
  • Entry Test
    1. Entry Test
  • Module A
  • Unit 1 Careers
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Reading
    5. Video Listening
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 3 Selling(Including Chinese Case study)
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Working Across Cultures 1: Saying 'no' politely
    1. Saying 'no' politely
    2. Saying 'no' politely
    3. Case study
  • Revision Module A
    1. Vocabulary
    2. Language Review
    3. Skills
    4. Reading
    5. Listening
    6. Writing
  • Module B
  • Unit 4 Great ideas
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 5 Stress
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 6 Entertaining
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Working Across Cultures 2: Doing business internationally
    1. Doing business internationally
    2. Doing business internationally
    3. Case study
  • Revision Module B
    1. Vocabulary
    2. Language Review
    3. Skills
    4. Reading
    5. Listening
    6. Writing
  • Module C
  • Unit 7 New business
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 8 Marketing(Including Chinese Case study)
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 9 Planning
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Working Across Cultures 3: International conference calls
    1. International conference calls
    2. International conference calls
    3. Case study
  • Revision Module C
    1. Vocabulary
    2. Language Review
    3. Skills
    4. Reading
    5. Listening
    6. Writing
  • Module D
  • Unit 10 Managing People(Including Chinese Case study)
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 11 Conflict(Including Chinese Case study)
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 12 Products
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Starting Up
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Video Listening
    5. Reading
    6. Language review
    7. Skills
    8. Case Study
    9. Writing
    10. Quiz
  • Working Across Cultures 4: Preparing to do business
    1. Preparing to do business
    2. Case study
  • Revision Module D
    1. Vocabulary
    2. Language Review
    3. Skills
    4. Reading
    5. Listening
    6. Writing
  • Exit Test
  • Exit Test
    1. Exit Test
《新国标交互商务英语》系列数字化教材是文化在线、培生教育出版集团和商英协作组商务英语权威专家倾力打造的综合商务英语课程。 教材内容来自权威的《金融时报》,涵盖商务英语应用中心的核心主题,如买卖、广告、人员管理、组织、人力资源、工作满意度、国际营销、并购、项目管理等,帮助学生提升商务英语听说读写译的技能以及对商务知识的掌握能力,使学生真正达到跨文化交际并在国内外商务活动中应用自如,同时能够提高学生们在商务英语专业考试中的通过率。






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