

176,221 人参与
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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 基础英语
适用专业 高职或本科院校的公外学生;本科院校的研究生
  • Module A
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • A.4: What's This
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • A.5: The First Day
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • Module A Test
    1. Module A Test
  • Module B
  • B.1: It's a Great Place
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • B.2: Whose Stuff?
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • B.3: Lunch at the Rock
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • B.4: A Busy Life
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • B.5: Shopping Trip
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • Module B Test
    1. Module B Test
  • Module C
  • C.1: Having a Snack
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • C.2: Ana's Family
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • C.3: Lunch with the Stars
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • C.4: A Birthday Present
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • C.5: You're Hired!
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
    5. Listening Challenge
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Reading
    8. Review Quiz
    9. Elementary Exercise
    10. Advanced Exercise
  • Module C Test
    1. Module C Test
  • Level 1 Test
    1. Level 1 Test
"《新交互大学英语》是一套基于互联网的英语应用能力综合训练教程。 一、二级别的课程主要以现实生活为主题,以大量真实的视频模拟真实的生活与语言环境,如家庭、学校、医院、办公室、机场、餐馆、商店等,帮助学生熟练掌握英语中的日常生活用语,培养实际交往能力。"






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