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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 48 课时
学科分类 英语
适用专业 大学英语、英语
  • Unit 1 Architechture
    1. Unit Objective 去体验
    2. Preview the Unit 去体验
    3. Unit Video 去体验
    4. Listening 1: Modern Architecture
    5. Listening 2: Sustainable Architecture
    6. Unit Assignment: Role-play a news conference
  • Unit 2 Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1:The Color of Nature
    4. Listening 2:Building with Color
    5. Unit Video
    6. Unit Assignment: Present a building design
  • Unit 3 Behavioral Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video
    4. Listening 1: Be Polite
    5. Listening 2:Classroom Etiquette
    6. Unit Assignment: Give a presentation on manners
  • Unit 4 Game Studies
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1:Crossword Puzzles
    4. Listening 2: Business is a Game
    5. Unit Viedo
    6. Unit Assignment: Develop a board game
  • Unit 5 Sociology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video
    4. Listening 1: Separated at Birth
    5. Listening 2: Family History
    6. Unit Assignment:Give a short speech
  • Unit 6 Business
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Howtoons
    4. Listening 2: Sell-It-Yourself
    5. Unit Video:eBay
    6. Unit Assignment: Give a presentation
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Sustainable Dave
    4. Listening 2: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
    5. Unit Video:Charles Moore and his studies
    6. Unit Assignment: Have a panel discussion
  • Unit 8 Public Health
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Water for Life
    4. Listening 2: Is It Possible to Be Too Clean?
    5. Unit Video: The Dirt Debate
    6. Unit Assignment: Give a persuasive presentation



UNIT 1 Architecture 
Q: What are current trends in architecture?
Note-taking Skill: Identifying key words
LISTENING 1: Modern Architecture
Listening Skill: Listening for main ideas
LISTENING 2: Sustainable Architecture
Vocabulary Skill: Collocations: nouns and verbs
Grammar: The present continuous
Pronunciation: Interjections and intonation
Speaking Skill: Drawing attention to main ideas
Unit Assignment: Role-play a news conference
UNIT 2 Psychology 
Q: How can colors be useful?
Note-taking Skill: Using visual elements 
LISTENING 1: The Colors of Nature
Listening Skill: Understanding cause and effect
LISTENING 2: Building with Color
Vocabulary Skill: Word families: nouns and verbs
Grammar: There’s and it’s
Pronunciation: Schwa /@ / in unstressed syllables 
Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving examples
Unit Assignment: Present a building design 
UNIT 3 Behavioral Science 
Q: Why are good manners important?
LISTENING 1: Be Polite
Listening Skill: Predicting
Note-taking Skill: Organizing notes
LISTENING 2: Classroom Etiquette
Vocabulary Skill: Synonyms
Grammar: Modal verbs should and shouldn’t 
Pronunciation: Final /s/ or /z/ sounds
Speaking Skill: Giving advice and making recommendations 
Unit Assignment: Give a presentation on manners 

UNIT 4 Game Studies 
Q: How can games compare to real life?
Note-taking Skill: Reviewing and editing notes
LISTENING 1: Crossword Puzzles
Listening Skill: Listening for names and dates
LISTENING 2: Business Is a Game
Vocabulary Skill: Word families: suffixes
Grammar: Imperative verbs
Pronunciation: Word stress
Speaking Skill: Giving instructions
Unit Assignment: Develop a board game

UNIT 5 Sociology 
Q: What does it mean to be part of a family?
Note-taking Skill: Using a simple outline
LISTENING 1: Separated at Birth
Listening Skill: Listening for reasons and explanations
LISTENING 2: Family History
Vocabulary Skill: Word families: verbs, nouns, adjectives
Grammar: Auxiliary verbs in questions
Pronunciation: Intonation in questions with or
Speaking Skill: Expressing opinions
Unit Assignment: Give a short speech
UNIT 6 Business
Q: Why do things yourself?
Note-taking Skill: Using symbols and abbreviations
LISTENING 1: Howtoons
Listening Skill: Listening for specific information
LISTENING 2: Sell-it-yourself
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives
Pronunciation: Links between consonant sounds
Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving clarification
Unit Assignment: Give a presentation
UNIT 7 Environmental Studies 
Q: What happens to our trash?
LISTENING 1: Sustainable Dave
Listening Skill: Recognizing a speaker’s attitude
Note-taking Skill: Preparing for note taking in a class
LISTENING 2: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Vocabulary Skill: Compound nouns
Grammar: Future with will
Pronunciation: Word stress in compound nouns
Speaking Skill: Summarizing
Unit Assignment: Have a panel discussion

UNIT 8 Public Health
Q: How important is cleanliness?
LISTENING 1: Water for Life
Listening Skill: Recognizing facts and opinions
Note-taking Skill: Using notes to write a summary
LISTENING 2: Is It Possible to Be Too Clean?
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: If clauses for future possibility
Pronunciation: Function words and stress
Speaking Skill: Participating in a group discussion
Unit Assignment: Give a persuasive presentation




作者: 李霄翔、 张媛媛


出版社:北京大学出版社; ( 2018年08月01日 )

作者简介: 李霄翔,江苏省镇江市人,东南大学特聘教授,博士生导师。南京大学历史系博士。1982年2月毕业于南京工学院基础理论系英语专业,获文学学士学位。1982年3月始在南京工学院(1986年更名为东南大学)任教。主要担任大学英语、英语专业本科生和研究生教学工作。
教材特色: 北大社重点推荐教材 1.原版引进,语言地道,主题丰富 2.强化技能,综合培养,提高语言与思维能力 3.多元文化展示,培养跨文化意识 4.优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台







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