
Critical Thinking

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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 40 课时
学科分类 英语
适用专业 所有专业
  • Unit 2 Two Kinds of Reasoning
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Argument: General Feature
    3. Two Kinds of Arguments
    4. Deduction, Induction, and Unstated Premises
    5. Balance of Considerations
    6. Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE)
    7. What are not Premises, Conclusions, or Arguments
    8. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
    9. Techniques for Understanding Arguments
    10. Evaluating Arguments
    11. Recap
    12. Quiz
  • Unit 3 Clear Thinking, Critical Thinking, and Clear Writing
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Vagueness
    4. Ambiguity
    5. Generality
    6. Defining Terms
    7. Writing Argumentative Essays
    8. Recap
    9. Quiz
  • Unit 4 Credibility
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. The Claim and Its Source
    4. Assessing the Content of the Claim
    5. The Credibility of Sources
    6. Credibility and the News Media
    7. Advertising
    8. Recap
    9. Quiz
  • Unit 5 Rhetoric, the Art of Persuasion
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Rhetorical Force
    4. Rhetorical Devices I
    5. Rhetorical Devices II
    6. Rhetorical Devices III
    7. Rhetorical Devices IV
    8. Proof Surrogates and Repetition
    9. Persuasion through Visual Imagery
    10. The Extreme Rhetoric of Demagoguery
    11. Recap
    12. Quiz
  • Unit 6 Relevance (Red Herring) Fallacies
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Argumentum Ad Hominem
    4. Straw Man
    5. False Dilemma
    6. Misplacing the Burden of Proof
    7. Begging the Question
    8. Appeal to Emotion
    9. Irrelevant Conclusion
    10. Recap
    11. Quiz
  • Unit 7 Induction Fallacies
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Generalizations
    4. Weak Analogy
    5. Fallacious Appeal to Authority
    6. Fallacious Appeal to Popularity
    7. Fallacies Related to Cause and Effect
    8. Slippery Slope
    9. Recap
    10. Quiz
  • Unit 8 Formal Fallacies and Fallacies of Language
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Three Formal Fallacies
    4. The Fallacies of Equivocation and Amphiboly
    5. The Fallacies of Composition and Division
    6. Confusing Explanations with Excuses
    7. Confusing Contraries and Contradictories
    8. Consistency and Inconsistency
    9. Miscalculating Probabilities
    10. Recap
    11. Quiz
  • Unit 9 Deductive Arguments I: Categorical Logic
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Categorical Claims
    4. Three Categorical Relations
    5. Categorical Syllogisms
    6. Recap
    7. Quiz
  • Unit 10 Deductive Arguments II: Truth-Functional Logic
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Truth Tables and Logical Symbols
    4. Symbolizing Compound Claims
    5. Truth-Functional Arguments
    6. Deductions
    7. Recap
    8. Quiz
  • Unit 11 Inductive Reasoning
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Argument from Analogy
    4. Generalizing from a Sample
    5. Scientific Generalizing from a Sample
    6. The Statistical Syllogism
    7. Causal Statements and Their Support
    8. Calculating Statistical Probabilities
    9. Causation in the Law
    10. Recap
    11. Quiz
  • Unit 12 Moral, Legal, and Aesthetic Reasoning
    1. Learning Objects
    2. Introduction
    3. Value Judgments
    4. Major Perspectives in Moral Reasoning
    5. Moral Deliberation
    6. Legal Reasoning
    7. Aesthetic Reasoning
    8. Recap
    9. Quiz
Critical Thinking是美国最为畅销的大学教材,连续11次再版,语言通俗、生动,直观地阐述了批判性思维、正确推理和合理论证的基本问题、观点、方法和技巧。


Critical Thinking


Critical Thinking


Critical Thinking

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